Hi there! I’m Christy Smith.

I’m a Master Nutrition Therapist and a Certified LEAP Therapist. Being in the Health and Wellness industry for over 18 years has taught me a lot about how food can directly affect health. But, being a human being…one who uses food to cope with emotions, one who also has hashimotos (an autoimmune thyroid disease)…one who has struggled with weight and done every diet known to man…has given me the most insight on how to best work with my clients.

If you’re struggling to find balance. If you know what to do but just can’t seem to do it. If you’re scared and feel lost with too much information out there in google land. If you’re in pain and tired and ready for change. If you’re ready for REAL LIFE nutrition…. click the link and let’s get you started on a personalized path to your best life.