Not entirely normal
“Your results from your recent mammogram came back and were not entirely normal. But don’t worry, it is probably benign".”
Recently I had my annual boob/vag party at the gynecologist. The good ol’ one-two punch of pap and mammo. I had been having some pain in my right breast and was sort of worried. I mean I’m over 50 at this point, so everything is worrisome these days.
Which is ironic, considering just a few months ago I was pretty ok with life coming to a complete halt in any way, shape, or form. Life had gotten a bit…rough, you might say. And I had gotten a bit…tired and sad. Nukes? Bring em on. Car crash? Ok then. But fast forward to January 2023 and I guess all of a sudden living sounded nice.
So, of course my results came back abnormal. But for my left breast instead. I scheduled a follow up ultrasound for 3 weeks later and tried not to worry. I did a pretty good job, actually, until the day of the appointment. It all sank in and the reality felt pretty real. As I sat in the tiny room with my tiny cloth gown, I played out the various possible scenarios in my head.
Long story short, the results came back “not entirely normal” and ladies and gentlemen….if that’s not going to be the title of my memoir I don’t know what is.
No worries, it’s “probably benign” so it’s fine. Like the dog in the restaurant with all the flames around him…it’s fine. I’m fine. (I’ll let ya know in 6 months, but for now…it’s probably fine.)